
Please log in with touchstone at the bottom of the page to view the directory.

GAME is partnering with the mechanical engineering department to maintain a database of students to help us find each other more easily! We will obtain this information from the department at the beginning of every semester to make sure that everything is up to date. This information is all publically available via each lab's website and through the MIT directory, just collected in one place to help us connect! Please get in touch with Vishnu Jayaprakash ( if you want to change / update this information or remove yourself from this directory. More columns will be added to this database (like interests, quals status, year etc.) soon to make it even more useful so stay tuned! This database will be placed behind an MIT certificate, after April 14th when the deadline for new admits to commit to mit passes. 

Update: Support staff directory for our department added at the bottom! Cc'ing admins in general ensures a higher rate of response from professors.