Most of the resources below are not administered by GAME, but are there to help you nonetheless. The titles below are all links to the resources themselves.
Student Support
- MechE REFS
- Institute REFS
- Student Mental Health and Counseling
- MIT Support Services
- GradSupport
- Institute Discrimination & Harassment Response Office
- Disability and Acess Services
- International Students Office
- Institute Community and Equity Office
- Commonly Used Services at MIT
- MechE CommLab
- Get feedback on all your communications needs (papers, presentations, job applications, grants...)
- Peer mentoring by specially trained fellows
- One-on-one appointments
- Online resources available in the CommKit
- MechE-specific
- MIT Writing & Communication Center
- GECD Career Advising & Services
Machine Shops
- GAME Quals Page
- Qualifying Exam Guidelines & Formats
- Pre-Quals Info Slides
- Kate Thompson's Unofficial Guide to Quals
- Past Qualifying Exams
Library Resources
Department Resources
- Academic Calendar
- Course Listings
- Pre-Registration
- Course Registration
- Thesis resources:
Jobs, Travel, and Research Funding
- MIT Career Development
- Resources to help you sort out what to do after grad school, including annual survey data on graduates.
- Sign up for appointments to discuss CVs, resumes, cover letters, etc.
- Find opportunities and funding to travel abroad while at MIT or up to 6mo after graduating.
- Fellowships
- Funding opportunities compiled by the Office of Graduate Education
- Institute-Licensed Software
- Includes Solidworks, Matlab, Mathematica, Adobe Creative Suite, Tosca, Tecplot, MS Office, Crashplan, VMWare, Windows/OSX operating systems and more!
Emergency Resources
- MIT Campus Police
- (617) 253-1212 or 100 from Campus Phones
- Dean On Call
- *5PM to 9AM on weekdays; 24 hours on weekends
- (617) 253-1212 or 100 from Campus Phones
- MIT Medical
- (617) 253-4481
- Violence Prevention & Response
- (617) 253-2300